专拍神秘事件的YouTuber雨宫(间宫祥太朗 饰)受朋友所托调查一间拥有古怪间隔的旧屋,于是雨宫找来喜欢神秘学的建筑师栗原(佐藤二朗 饰)协助分析平面图。他们陆续发现平面图上「细思极恐」的诡异细节,栗原甚至作出一个大胆假设!此时,「诡屋」附近骇然发现一具弃尸,雨宫怀疑背后有恐怖内情,决定把所有疑点拍成视频放上网络,随即引来神秘女子柚希(川荣李奈 饰)提供关键线索。三人越查越深入,不但发现了其他古怪民居平面图,背后的黑暗真相亦随之浮现…你能拆解这诡异谜团吗?
- 6.0最后看见的街
- 2.0诡谲屋
- 3.0游泳池
2024 剧情简介: A young girl stays with her estranged grandparents in the city while she waits for the results of her audition for an international performance group. Her grandparents welcome her, delighted about the chance to get to know their granddaughter better. While staying at the house, the girl gets to know her uncle, who suffers from a mysterious long-term lung illness and is mainly confined to bed. She also observes her grandmother's weird religious rituals, some involving a swimming pool in the basement. When the girl's father finds out that she is staying with his parents, he persuades his sister to visit the house to get her out, ending with a terrible tragedy.
- 5.0正义
- 3.0叛婚真相
- 6.0入学考试