SHEPHERD is based on the award-winning and bestselling Israeli novel, "The Jewish Dog," by Asher Kravitz. Kaleb, a beloved German Shepherd, is separated from his Jewish family when the Nuremberg Laws are enacted in WWII Berlin. He is adopted by an SS Officer who trains him to attack and round up Jews at a concentration camp. Kaleb is well cared for and good at his job until one...
- 3.0她们的盛夏微爱
简介:The storyline tells of how 42-year-old Teresa changes her holiday plans and spends the summer with her mother, Ani. However, living together day and night after so many years is not easy for either of them. Used to living alone, it’s hard for them to agree on even the most trivial of things. Nevertheless, this enforced cohabitation will also bring certain revelations for both o...
- 8.0托芙的房间
简介:The year is 1963. A women's liberation movement the size of today's #MeToo movement has been underway for a while, and it's rolling across the Western world like an avalanche. In a luxury flat in central Copenhagen we meet one of the period's biggest female writers, Tove Ditlevsen, accompanied by her husband, the sadistic editor in chief Victor Andreasen. Her talent is indisput...
- 10.0游泳池2024
简介:A young girl stays with her estranged grandparents in the city while she waits for the results of her audition for an international performance group. Her grandparents welcome her, delighted about the chance to get to know their granddaughter better. While staying at the house, the girl gets to know her uncle, who suffers from a mysterious long-term lung illness and is mainly c...
- 10.0蛇之道2024
简介: 影片翻拍自黑泽清1998年的同名作品,原作讲述一名男子的女儿惨遭虐杀,于是他招募另一名男子协助他查明真相并报复杀害他女儿的凶手。法版由柴咲幸、达米安·勃纳尔主演,主角变为一位女性(柴咲幸 饰),故事的发生地也都变更为法国。
- 1.0穿越亚马逊2024
- 5.0法定继承人
简介: 人生でいちばん影響を受けた本、それは銀行の預金通帳である......。 舞台は三重県。真珠養殖を営む家族に起こった相続劇。笑いあり、涙あり、そして三重県のとびきり美しい風景あり、抱腹絶倒のなかで「人の幸せの在り方」を問う社会派ハートフルコメディ!